Archive for April 14th, 2008


Art Education Today

April 14, 2008

 Harran II,  1967; Frank Stella

Harran II, 1967 Polymer and fluorescent polymer paint on canvas, 120 x 240 inches. Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Gift, Mr. Irving Blum, 1982. 82.2976. © 2007 Frank Stella/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York.

Do you remember art class?

Think back to 2nd grade….  Maybe you spent time getting messy with poster paint, or maybe you made turkey’s, snowmen and easter bunnies identical to the other 24 kids in your class room.

What about 7th grade?

Can you remember learning to use a brayer? Whats a brayer? Or do you remember carving out linoleum to make a block print?  Do you remember that kid who did NOT follow directions and sliced his finger open with the carving tool? (Maybe you were that kid…)

Did you take High school art?  Maybe, maybe not… Maybe you were one of those people who, after middle school, decided that you sucked at art and couldn’t even draw a straight line.  Maybe you were one of the ‘Art crowd’ who hid behind dyed black hair and multiple facial piercings while creating and expressing your inner you.

Whoever you are, if you are looking for anything concerning Art Education, I hope you can find it here.  My hope is to create an interesting assortment of information concerning the world of ART EDUCATION. I am new to this, so I am asking only for your patience and your unwavering interest…,well, maybe your periodical interest.

I will have pages about

  • Current issues in Art Education
  • Sample lesson plans, or links to them
  • Links to useful sites for the Art Educator
  • Ongoing prattle concerning anything art ed, etc…
  • Maybe more…

I hope you like it and come back for more!
